Amor en el aire 3
Desde que llegaste, todo es distinto,
El mundo se vuelve un sueño infinito.
La brisa me llama, el viento me abraza,
Las nubes dibujan tu risa en mi alma.
Camino en el aire, bailo en el cielo,
cada latido es un dulce desvelo.
Las cosas más simples brillan de pronto,
Como un nuevo día pintando su asombro.
Si esto es un sueño, no quiero bajar,
prefiero volar, seguirte, soñar.
Que el cielo nos guarde, que el viento nos lleve,
y que este amor… por siempre nos eleve.
Cada corazón de cerámica pintado a mano es una pieza única, diseñada por artistas salvadoreños que reflejan distintas maneras de sentir y expresar el amor. Estos corazones son más que piezas de arte: son símbolos de amor profundo y conexión.
Con tu compra, contribuyes a apoyar la iniciativa de alcanzar 0 embarazos en niñas y adolescentes en El Salvador, una causa que la Fundación Lula Mena apoya y promueve activamente.


58% of the people that live in rural areas in El Salvador live in overcrowded conditions. When there is overcrowding in families, there is a higher risk of certain problems occurring, such as domestic violence, family disintegration, poor school performance, among others.
When Lula Mena began working in rural communities, many of the young women wanted to immigrate to the United States. Now that they have seen that there is an opportunity for a better life in their community, their perception of immigration has changed. They feel more confident that they will be able to provide for their families without having to leave the country. We want to continue to grow in order to offer more young adults the opportunity to work with us and avoid immigration.
One of the major challenges we faced when we began working with women was gaining the approval of their husbands. Most of the husbands and family members worried that the women would not be able to work and meet the household’s responsibilities.
Now, their husbands prepare dinner, take care of the children, and offer them support. There is still a strong sexist culture, “machismo”, in rural areas of El Salvador that we are trying to change by empowering women.