In the ordinary sense, a nest is a construction made by birds to lay their eggs and care for their chicks. But nests have a crucial symbolic meaning, above all, due to their invariable purpose: ensure the future, gather efforts, take in, protect, propitiate survival and teach how to fly. A nest is as real and necessary as it is intimate and magic; it is both the limit and the starting point of existence.
Lula Mena makes "nests" and presents them from the particular significance they have and have had during her entire life, especially during the last few years. They are her particular vision of self, its link between nature and humanity, her most intimate part, which she now exposes so that it is known in a more extensive and detailed dimension.
The completion of the work –in life, frequently the hardest- is also the result of interwoven factors. Lula shows nests as what they are: a creative evidence of nature, shelters built with multiple materials and in usually unheard of places: bushes, branches, rocks, trees; cavities in logs, cliffs and walls; cracks in buildings and, even, suspended from trees and cables. But in addition, Lula dimensions anew the functionality of the nest with the challenge of creating systematically, investigating and, with the participation of multiple efforts, producing. The result: Works to be contemplated from nearby and from afar. Nearby: to explore the careful weavings that include branches and logs, but also, unusual seeds or scales, and even copper threads, leather and resins. From afar: to appreciate the full dimension of challenging and unexpected creations, diverse and simple spaces, warm and welcoming, enclosures of suspended emotions.
Art is that entity which possesses characteristics that transform, whether for the person who uses it or for the one who appreciates it; but ultimately it can be a mechanism to transform lives giving everyone an opportunity in a country that needs it so much.

Inspiration: Flowers from the sea…gardens to be discovered. Sometimes you have to stop searching afar and search within.
Flowers of repurposed cloth joined with cotton threads.
Measurement: 2.50 x 0.90 m

Inspiration: Threads to connect with life. Definite possibility to travel with the light.
Encapsulated in repurposed copper from uninstalled electric energy meters.
Application of pompons in raw cotton thread.
Measurement: 2.50 x 0.90 m

Inspiration: If we listen carefully, there are always bells of happiness ringing in life. Nothing should prevent our answering their call.
Buds of cloth with pistils of repurposed copper thread intertwined with crystals.
Measurement: 2.50 x 0.90 m
Buds of cloth with pistils of repurposed copper thread intertwined with crystals.
Measurement: 2.50 x 0.90 m

Inspiration: Neither thin nor fat…not tall or short… joy doesn’t care for appearances.
Cords in raw cotton threads of different thickness and length.
Measurement: 2.70 x 0.90 m
Inspiration: Simultaneous sounds, achievable measures, calculated pauses, languages constructed with fibers of the soul.
Weave with natural wicker fibers. Application of details of repurposed copper from uninstalled electric energy meters.
Measurement: 2.50 x 0.90 m
Inspiration: New energies that intertwine: superior transcendence, immeasurable beauty.
Flowers made with galvanized wire with a center of repurposed copper from uninstalled electric energy meters.
Measurement: 2.50 x 0.90 m
Inspiration: To live “the present” as a gift of time; Peace, essential possession when seeking the elixir of security and calm.
Woven with raw cotton, with sectioned weft; details of repurposed copper wire taken from uninstalled electric energy meters.
Measurement: 2.50 x 0.90 m
Woven with raw cotton, with sectioned weft; details of repurposed copper wire taken from uninstalled electric energy meters.
Measurement: 2.50 x 0.90 m
Inspiration: Cotton threads, gathered branches, repurposed copper threads. Things, ideas, love, friends are opportunities of time.
Flat woven openwork with application of branch texture, raw cotton thread and repurposed copper, obtained from uninstalled electric energy meters.
Flat woven openwork with application of branch texture, raw cotton thread and repurposed copper, obtained from uninstalled electric energy meters.
Measurement: 2.70 x 0.90 m
Inspiration: New roads, new destinations, threads are grooves of the soul…and future roots of life.
Mixed textures and flat weave with different materials intertwined (raw cotton, wicker, leather, resin and repurposed copper wire).
Measurement: 2.70 x 0.90 m
Inspiration: When roads meet, it is not by chance. Life is the art of seeking, waiting and finding.
Weave of small feathers in raw cotton and repurposed copper obtained from uninstalled electric energy meters. Woven in raw cotton thread with loose weft.
Measurement: 2.50 x 0.90 m
Weave of small feathers in raw cotton and repurposed copper obtained from uninstalled electric energy meters. Woven in raw cotton thread with loose weft.
Measurement: 2.50 x 0.90 m
Inspiration: In the tropics life is tastier. Satisfaction is full if joined with the spirit.
Macramé pieces with loose cotton threads and galvanized wire.
Measurement: 2.70 x 0.90 m
Macramé pieces with loose cotton threads and galvanized wire.
Measurement: 2.70 x 0.90 m
Inspiration: When I thought that I could not love more than I did…I found the most pure and infinite love one can have toward another.
Woven with loose weft in raw cotton thread. Puff, pectoral and pillow, made with the technique exhibited.
Measurement: 2.50 x 0.90 m
Woven with loose weft in raw cotton thread. Puff, pectoral and pillow, made with the technique exhibited.
Measurement: 2.50 x 0.90 m
“Treasures of your forest”... love built of small details that are transformed into great treasures.
Forest’s nature encapsulated in resin nested in cotton thread.
Forest’s nature encapsulated in resin nested in cotton thread.
Measurement: 2.50 x 0.90 m
Inspiration: ...from the day I knew you were coming... I saw with illusion each small detail of LIFE…
Roses made with scales with crystal centers.
Measurement: 2.50 x 0.90 m
Roses made with scales with crystal centers.
Measurement: 2.50 x 0.90 m
Inspiration: Waves in a harmonious and constant dance…what leaves returns…what returns leaves. Human fortitude, learning and experiences.
Weave with rippled texture. Cords of raw cotton thread.
Weave with rippled texture. Cords of raw cotton thread.
Measurement: 2.75 x 0.90 m
Inspiration: Dew, small drops of life, vapor of feeling, mornings that are restless to begin.
Encapsulation of gatherings from the forest with application of tassels in raw cotton thread.
Wall appliqué made with the technique exhibited.
Measurement: 2.50 x 0.90 m
Encapsulation of gatherings from the forest with application of tassels in raw cotton thread.
Wall appliqué made with the technique exhibited.
Measurement: 2.50 x 0.90 m
Inspiration: There are ways in which life has not found how to paint itself! There is always a way to add colors to our lives!
Weave with repurposed cloth hand painted with acrylic paint in gold and bronze tones.
Purse made with the technique exhibited.
Measurement: 2.50 x 0.90 m
Weave with repurposed cloth hand painted with acrylic paint in gold and bronze tones.
Purse made with the technique exhibited.
Measurement: 2.50 x 0.90 m
Inspiration: Together we are stronger. Virtue in the search of goodness; firmness to build, constancy to continue on.
Woven in repurposed leather.
Measurement: 2.50 x 0.90 m
Woven in repurposed leather.
Measurement: 2.50 x 0.90 m